The Hanged Man, by PN Elrod

hanged-man-elrodWhen Lady Alex Pendlebury is called in to psychically evaluate a death, she has no idea that the deceased will be someone she knows. The death, which Alex is convinced is a murder rather than suicide, is peculiar, and when more violence begins to follow, she doesn’t know who she can trust.

That’s a really silly description, but I didn’t want to go into more detail. The back of the book gives away a lot more, and while it’s not exactly spoilers, some spoilers can be inferred, and so I thought it best to keep the description super simple. Essentially, this is an alternate history, kinda steampunkish, fantastical spy mystery/thriller with a kickass heroine running the show. There were all the usual things you’d find in this kind of book, including prim, Austenesque language (a la Gail Carriger); some excellent turns and twists; and just a touch of romance. Additionally, there were some elements that were so far out of left field that I had a couple head-shaking WTF moments while reading. They were so well-integrated, however, that I never felt pulled from the story, and I’m excited to learn more  of this world if further volumes of this series are ever published.

On an only partially related note: Why are so many historical fantasies set in London? I’ve read so many in the last few years that I’ve gotten a bit tired of the setting. There are some books that I’ve actually given up because I was too tired of the setting at the time of reading. I’d love to have a bit more diversity in historical fantasy!

About Amanda

Agender empty-nester filling my time with cats, books, fitness, and photography. She/they.
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4 Responses to The Hanged Man, by PN Elrod

  1. Kristen M. says:

    This sounds interesting! I know what you mean about London though. It seems like it’s always London or New York. I suppose it’s because they’re easiest to research but variety definitely would be nice.


  2. Michelle says:

    I don’t know. I seem to read a lot of historical fiction set in Paris too. The last one I read was actually set in Edinburgh. Before that, it was Chicago. There is a ton set in London, but I think once you start looking, you see it isn’t always in London.


    • Amanda says:

      Oh, I’m sure historical fiction is very widely varied. I’m not a huge fan of regular historical fiction, though. Just historical fantasy, and that’s a relatively new genre that’s emerging. And it tends to focus on a couple of central cities, London being the biggest, probably simply because of London’s history.


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