Sunday Coffee – Book Blogger Bash

IMG_2833When I heard, a few months back, that Amanda from Fig and Thistle was heading to Dallas for a conference in November, I knew there was vacation time in my future! I booked a hotel from this past Monday to Thursday, and stared making plans with Amanda, Andi (Estella’s Revenge), and Trish (Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity).

Drive, drive, drive. The trip from San Antonio is five hours. Oy. I finished up my audio for Far From the Madding Crowd by the time I reached Dallas. Soon, I was checking in with the hotel, and letting everyone know I’d arrived. Turned out, Amanda’s flight was delayed, so for a couple hours, no one knew what was going to happen. Eventually, though, Amanda arrived, the girls swung by to pick me up, and we all ended up ordering chicken korma from an Indian place. Mmm…korma…

11 triple selfie

Best thing about book bloggers: Yes, this may have been the first time we’d met in person, but it was not the first time we’ve met. We’ve known each other for years, and it was just like hanging out with old friends. Lots of laughter and no awkward silences. Just fantastic! At the end of the night, we went for a triple-goofy-selfie (with all three phones simultaneously). It. Was. Awesome.

Spent the day reading, writing, and walking. I love relaxed vacation! Andi picked me up on the way to grab post-conference Amanda, and we all went out to the largest Half Price Books I have ever seen. It was bigger than a Sam’s Club! I had to use the panoramic function on my phone to get the entire building in one shot!

11 flagship HPB

We wandered, both together and separately. We were surprised by the random discovery that Ally Condie, Meg Wolitzer, and Jandy Nelson were speaking and signing books that night. !!! Eventually, we left, despite only scratching the surface of what this HPB had to offer. We were starving, though, and had yummy tex-mex in our immediate future.

More relaxation – after a frustrating hotel room change (long story) – and this evening, we finally got to meet up with Trish! Dinner was at an American place famous for their pizookies (like pizza-cookies). The four of us hung out for hours, laughing and talking and eating ourselves into that lovely fat-and-happy state.


There was, of course, more goofy selfies, plus a long-suffering waiter named Cody who took pictures of us with our four different varieties of pizookies. I can only repeat: the night was amazing. No awkward moments or silences. Old friends, even if we rarely meet in person, or never have before.

11 quadruple selfie

This is why I love this community so much. This is why, as we all discussed that third night, we need to set up a Book Blogger Camp someday…

(PS – There’s no entry here for Thursday, because it was just me driving home. For five hours. In the rain. With no audiobook. I was sooooo glad to get out of the car and into my house! It was good to see Jason and the boys again, even as I missed being up with Amanda, Andi, and Trish. You three ladies are so smart and funny and wonderful to be around!!)

About Amanda

Agender empty-nester filling my time with cats, books, fitness, and photography. She/they.
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20 Responses to Sunday Coffee – Book Blogger Bash

  1. Care says:

    YAY! such fun. I have enjoyed all my crazy book blogger meetups.
    Also, I loved Far From the Madding Crowd on audio – hope you did, too. My review is a bit crazy (had fun writing it anyway.)


  2. This looks like so much fun! And I agree, from my experience meeting up with bloggers in person it is like meeting old friends. It’s amazing how strong our online connections can be in person. I would 100 percent be up for a Book Blogger Camp someday. All we really need is a place with comfy chairs, lots of tea and coffee, and plenty of sunlight for reading 🙂


  3. I saw Cody again Friday night and gave him our best! lol I had to take David to try the s’mores peanut butter pizookie! Such a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What fun!! I’ve met a few book bloggers and each time it’s been like catching up with old friends.


  5. It was awesome. Seriously, book blogger camp needs to happen


  6. Melissa says:

    This just makes me so happy!


  7. Jennifer Beardsall says:

    It makes me so happy to see the joy you are radiating after your vacation. I’m so glad you got a chance to connect with friends and bond over your shared love of literature.

    That Half-Price books location was one of my favorite places in the whole world when I lived in Dallas. It’s so cool to see it is still thriving and providing an awesome place for readers and authors to connect. 🙂


    • Amanda says:

      I never knew a HPB that big existed. I was so overwhelmed. I could have spent hours in there, except I think after about 20 mins I just froze up and couldn’t even process books anymore, haha!


  8. I am so glad you guys had a blast! Meeting book bloggers is the absolute BEST. I’ve met several and I like all of them. Maybe one day our paths will cross and we will be able to meet, too. That would be awesome. 🙂


  9. purplemoonmyst says:

    I am sooo jealous!! I hope to meet other book bloggers that I have met online someday.


  10. Pingback: Sunday Coffee – Why I Review Books | The Zen Leaf

  11. Pingback: Top Moments of 2015 | The Zen Leaf

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