Top Ten Book-Related Problems

Let’s just get right into it – my top ten book-related problems:

1. I have no book club. Boo.

warbreaker collage

(Guess which one’s American.)

2. The American cover art for Brandon Sanderson’s books is (mostly) awful. The British cover art is amazing, but it’s much more difficult (and expensive) to get a hold of!

3. I stupidly started reading the Raven Cycle this past fall, which means I have to wait forever for the last book to come out!

4. I really, really suck at reading poetry.

5. I’ve read so many classics in the last decade that I’ve actually exhausted the list of every classic I’ve ever wanted to read…

6. I have this great internal struggle between feeling like I should read (and would like to read) Ender’s Game, though I’ve simultaneously vowed to boycott Card at all costs.

7. I’m extremely picky when it comes to audiobook narrators, which limits the audiobooks I have access to.

8. Speaking of audiobooks, they are WAY too expensive to acquire.


(I miss you, HPB!)

9. My current place of living has no good bookstores around, and I’m hundreds of miles away from the nearest Half Price Books. Boo.

10. Though it was rumored that Diana Wynne Jones was working on a fourth Howl novel, sadly that novel will never come into existence.

(Okay. So I don’t have any real book-related problems. This was fun anyway!)


Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

About Amanda

Agender empty-nester filling my time with cats, books, fitness, and photography. She/they.
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20 Responses to Top Ten Book-Related Problems

  1. gricel says:

    4. Me too! It wasn’t until I took a class with a particularly awesome professor that I learned to enjoy poetry, but I still won’t read it unless I have to. I’ve got one favorite that I can always rely on in a pinch when asked what my favorite poem is: Eavan Boland’s Atlantis: A lost sonnet.

    6. Read it for a class, you’re not missing much.

    8. Check your library for free e-audiobooks, a lot of libraries are getting in on audiobook lending.


    • Amanda says:

      I don’t usually get e-audiobooks because they expire, and I never know what I will/won’t want to listen to at any given time. Plus, the waiting list in my library system isn’t visible, so I never know when a lending is coming up. If I’m in the middle of a big long audiobook when the new one comes, I won’t have time to finish the next one!


  2. As for the expensive audiobooks I can solve that one for you. Get an Audible membership. Get the overdrive app and download free audiobooks from your local library. Libraries have audio CD’s too. And there is Audio Jukebox (free audiobooks for reviews). I am so glad there is no 1/2 price bookstore near me. I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills. 🙂 Great list.


    • Amanda says:

      Eh, I’m too picky for Audible, and I go through more than one a month (and don’t want to pay for the higher options). Plus, I don’t usually buy audiobooks. There are only a small handful that I want to acquire after listening to them from the library!


  3. Shaina says:

    Hehe, I think it’s rare to have a very real book-related problem, but we can all relate to them nonetheless. 🙂

    #5 just blows my mind. I can’t imagine getting through all the classics I want to read. What an accomplishment!


    • Amanda says:

      I’ve read hundreds! Most of the others, I’m just not interested in, or have tried to read and disliked, or they’re these obscure ones that usually aren’t as good…


  4. Trish says:

    Have you ever looked into Scribd? They are a subscription like Netflix and I believe they have a fairly good selection of audiobooks. I haven’t really looked into it, though.

    And I would so miss HPB if we ever moved either. And I miss having a book club.


  5. Laura says:

    Why is it British cover art is so much better in just about every genre? Love collecting UK editions!


  6. Trisha says:

    Love your problems!!! I sympathize so much with number 1.


  7. Kristen M. says:

    I am still crossing my fingers that there are more mostly done DWJ novels that her sister will slowly finish and release over the years. A girl can dream …


  8. kay says:

    Oh, I am so torn on the Brandon Sanderson covers! I’ll admit I prefer the UK ones for most of them… except Warbreaker. I really like the US cover for that book, and the UK one falls a little flat for me.

    I used to have the same dilemna about Ender’s Game, but over time, and especially now that the hype for the movie has gone, I’ve been okay with my decision not to read it. I usually try really hard not to let an author’s personal opinions/thoughts/politics/etc infulence my opinion of their work, but… let’s just say this one is a little too difficult for me to ignore. It’s okay though, I’m won’t be lacking reading material any time soon!

    Love the list; hopefully a great bookstore will magically pop up somewhere close to you!


    • Amanda says:

      It’s funny you say that about Warbreaker – that’s the one I think is the worst in the US of all his covers! To me it looks like an 80s porn star vomiting rainbows, haha! Infact, Jason actually refers to the book as the “barfing rainbows” book. He just got me a UK copy of that one for Valentine’s Day. 😀


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