Sunday Coffee – Bountiful

IMG_1852That’s a new coffee mug I’m holding, one of many wonderful things I received this week. Cool story:

The San Antonio Public Library system has summer reading programs every summer. I didn’t know until recently that there was not just a program for kids, but one for teens and one for adults. How many books required for the adult program? Four. Any four books you want to read. Easiest contest ever, right? So sure, I entered. I figured that whatever prize – if I happened to win – would be mostly library swag, like rubber bracelets and library pencils and maybe a t-shirt. I’d forgotten about the prize drawing altogether by the time I got the phone call on Wednesday afternoon telling me I’d won.


Now, I didn’t get all that excited, to be honest. I kinda wondered if I was the only person to enter at my branch. I know a couple librarians and have been told in the past that adult entries are sparse-to-nil. So really, I may have been the only entrant. Either way, winning is fun! Especially when your prize pack isn’t just library swag. Sure, there was a library t-shirt, but there was also a gift card to Half Price Books, a coffee mug, headphones, a Fiesta medal (San Antonio tradition), and an awesome bag (just in time for NaNoWriMo prep!). Ironically, my oldest son heard that I’d won and told me that “the library guy” (no idea who that is) told him the adult prize pack was “really lame.” Methinks the child has no idea what library budgets are like, because this was well and truly beyond anything I expected!

But that’s not all! That same day – Wednesday afternoon was kinda awesome, making up for a kinda horrid morning – a package arrived for me. I’d known Jason had bought something for me, but I never expected what was inside: THE RAVEN CYCLE TAROT DECK FROM MAGGIE STIEFVATER!!!!! So of course, the very first thing I did after ripping off the plastic covering was to go digging for the Eight of Swords.

eightofswordsThe Eight of Swords is my card. The Ryder-Waite description doesn’t do much for me – bad news, conflict, censure. Meh. This card chose me (much like a wand chooses the wizard!) after I acquired the Medieval Scapini deck. The picture to the right is of the Scapini Eight of Swords. I don’t see this as bad news or conflict. I call this the blindness card. It’s a card of paralysis – making your own prison. Because really, the imprisoned figure is held by bars so far apart that he could simply walk away, and yet, he refuses to look up. He keeps himself imprisoned.

As I said before, this is my card. I am the master at paralysis and self-imprisonment. Example: “I have four submission-condition novels that I’d like to start sending to agents. But I don’t know if I should send them all out to different agents, because what if more than one agent likes a different novel and wants to acquire? But if I only focus on one novel, maybe that one will never get chosen, and I’ll just get discouraged. And even if I do focus on only one, maybe I should only send to a couple agents and wait to hear back, because if I don’t hear back, I can’t send the other novels out to other agents in the meantime, and…” You get the picture. I can talk my way in circles over food, jobs, exercise, even which book to pick up next. It reminds me of a quote from my favorite band: “Paint myself into a corner. I really like the color.” Yeah.

IMG_1823So you can see why I went immediately for the Eight of Swords in this Raven Cycle deck. I needed to know. And the moment I found it, I let out an audible gasp. Not only does Stiefvater also treat this card as paralysis and self-blinding behavior, the way I’ve always viewed it, but the image includes a left hand/arm with a tattooed infinity sign on the wrist. And where, my friends, have we seen that before? Oh yeah!

I am in love.

The rest of the deck is just as beautiful. And each card has a long explanation actually tied to the art, which makes learning tarot about a thousand times easier! Fantastic gift. Totally made my Wednesday.

Lastly, while it’s not a “thing,” I am so happy to have the first cool front of the season come through. This morning, it actually got into the 60s! It feels so very beautiful, and looks it, too:

IMG_1844 IMG_1847

I might just have to start taking my laptop and coffee out to the porch on Sundays to do my blogging if the weather is this marvelous!

About Amanda

Agender empty-nester filling my time with cats, books, fitness, and photography. She/they.
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17 Responses to Sunday Coffee – Bountiful

  1. We don’t get many entrants in our adult summer reading program at the library where I work. Most of the time the prizes come from donated items, from summer reading program promotional material or library conferences, but people are usually grateful for what they get, and yours looks like pretty good swag. 🙂


  2. Trish says:

    I love your backyard!! We have a fairly decent sized yard but it just doesn’t feel cozy. But yes–the weather has been delicious in the mornings here, too. I love it! Makes me want to run…except that it constantly feels like someone took a sledgehammer to my pelvis. 🙂

    Congrats on the library win! Honestly I’ve never checked to see if my library has an adult program–I should! Four books is ridiculously easy.


    • Amanda says:

      Yeah running right now I imagine would be uncomfortable, haha. Sadly, we’re already back into the high 70s for mornings, but it’s at least a hint of future pleasantness to come!


  3. Beth F says:

    I entered the adult library challenge a few times, and have won a tote, a mug, and some other things. I love your yard and deck too!


  4. Megan says:

    Looks like you had a fun week of stuff! And, like everyone else, I love your deck and yard as well! Looks like a great place to read if the good weather keeps up! 🙂


    • Amanda says:

      I need to get some mosquito repellent or something for outside. With shorts and tank tops, I’m a bit too vulnerable. But it’s going to be a fantastic place to read/write in the winter!


  5. Lindsey says:

    Hooray! Congrats on winning the summer reading contest at the library. At our branch, they do a raffle each week for grownups, so you can win a gift card to a local restaurant or store each week. I like the library supporting business thing, but your swag looks great too!


    • Amanda says:

      Ooh, that’s a fantastic idea! I might just put it in as a suggestion. I’ll bet they could get local businesses to sponsor the program, and that would definitely get more people involves, so it’s win-win for everyone!


  6. Michelle says:

    Congratulations! It sounds like things are turning a corner for you!


  7. Shaina says:

    Aw, this post is so full of happy. 🙂 And yeah, your kiddo and the mysterious “library guy” were dead wrong about the prize pack.

    Also, I am BOWLED OVER by that tarot card coincidence! I know the world is big and random as heck, but I can’t help but think it was meant to be.


  8. Pingback: Sunday Coffee – Bountiful (2) | The Zen Leaf

  9. Pingback: October Tarot | The Zen Leaf

  10. Pingback: The Raven’s Prophecy Tarot, by Maggie Stiefvater | The Zen Leaf

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