The Rest of the Trip

Yesterday’s post was all about the first day of the trip, the really cursed day of the trip. It was awful, but we survived. The rest of the trip, while not entirely smooth, was at least not nearly as bad as Friday.

Saturday – the Day of Rain-Rain-RAIN
Saturday morning started off a bit iffy, when the hotel was a bit late (ie 2 hours late) getting breakfast out, due to an employee calling in sick. We got off later than we wanted, but determined to drive a huge chunk of the trip that day. I wanted to at least make it to Knoxville, TN, and possibly somewhere between Knoxville and Nashville. Unfortunately, as we were loading up the car, it began to rain. I checked the forecast, and realized it was going to be raining pretty much the entire day. In fact, the rain seemed to directly follow the line of the highway we’d be taking all day, through five states.

Aaaaand that’s pretty much how it went. Periodically, we had some light-rain periods, but they were interspersed between heavier rain, sometimes so heavy we had flashers on and were driving under 10mph. We didn’t get out of the rain until we turned off onto a new highway in Tennessee and began traveling west.

95 jacuzziOnly two other things of note on Day 2. At one point, we stopped for gas, and the gas pumps all thought our car had a full tank. It was on empty. I managed to squeeze in a few gallons until we could drive to a different gas station that worked, but I was really worried that I was going to be stranded in Virginia for a bit there. Secondly, we did actually make it all the way through Nashville, and stopped at a hotel on the other side, only to be told that every hotel in the Nashville area was full. We ended up getting the very last room in a Super 8 about half an hour further on, an awful hotel that at least made us giggle because there was a jacuzzi in the bedroom. Yes.

Sunday – the Day of Exhaustion
Honestly, not much happened on Sunday. I calculated how long I thought I could drive that day, and reserved a hotel in Temple, TX in advance. I didn’t want to end up searching in the dark like on Saturday! The day was hot and dry, and there was less than 10 miles of traffic total all day. Mostly, my only issue was that after about eight hours of driving, my body said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and I pooped out completely. I had to keep driving, but OH MAN I was exhausted.

97 homeI was very glad that we didn’t decide to push our way through to San Antonio like Jason and Morrigan. We ended up making it to our hotel by 7:30, and had a little time to ourselves that night. The next morning, it only took two hours to make it to the new house. –>

I am so glad to be done traveling. The cat is glad to be out of the cage and car. The boys are settling in well and happy in this house. The Penske is returned despite all the stupid mess-ups. Things are getting back to normal, which means that I should soon be back to my normal posting schedule. 🙂

About Amanda

Agender empty-nester filling my time with cats, books, fitness, and photography. She/they.
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4 Responses to The Rest of the Trip

  1. Trisha says:

    Your weird gas station experiences is giving me the heebeejeebies. Creepy.


  2. Beth F says:

    Arghhh. I just read both travel posts. Sounds like it had nightmarish moments. But yay that you are back in TX.


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