Sunday Coffee – Happiness

IMG_9588Last summer, I participated in that 100 Happy Days project/challenge. With moving across the country and other things that were happening, I was in a very stressful place. I hoped the project would help me remember to focus on the positive on a daily basis. While it was difficult at times to find something happy every single day, I did follow through all one hundred days, and I love the spread of photos that came from my project. Looking back through them is like seeing a slideshow snapshot of part of my life.

At present, I am still going through some very tough times that I will not go into publicly. A few of you know the stresses I’m under and have been amazingly supportive, and I appreciate you all so very much. I also have another major change coming up in my life in just a few months. On top of that, I’ve been working hard to try to change my outlook from survival mode to one that’s a bit more optimistic. This is very, very hard for me – I’m kind of a pessimist by nature – but I also feel it’s important.

So I’ve decided to take the 100 Happy Days challenge a second time, this time going from tomorrow, March 23rd, through the end of June. I’m not officially signing up with the website this time, but keeping this more of a casual thing, though I do plan to try to post diligently every day. My photos will be kept on Instagram, just like last time. I may or may not come back and report in once a quarter or so on some of my favorite moments and photos from that quarter. Either way, I hope to have another wonderful slideshow snapshot of my life to look back on by the time the hundredth photo is taken.

About Amanda

Agender empty-nester filling my time with cats, books, fitness, and photography. She/they.
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10 Responses to Sunday Coffee – Happiness

  1. Trisha says:

    The Happiness Project really is a wonderful idea; I’ve just never been able to commit to it. Someday.


  2. Kristen M. says:

    This is a great idea. It’s definitely true that sometimes you have to find your own happiness, and it’s truer for you now than usual. I can’t wait to see your happy moments! 🙂


  3. Shaina says:

    This really is a great idea. I think the hardest part about struggling with depression or other mental health problems is that it can seem like we just have days (or weeks, or months) on end where nothing good happens. This is a great way to remind yourself that even on the crappiest days, there was probably at least one thing that made you smile. 🙂

    Looking forward to your check-ins, and best wishes for things getting easier soon.


    • Amanda says:

      I remember once in my last 100 day project that there was a day when NOTHING good happened. I ended up taking a picture of my baby sister’s artwork hanging up on the wall. It was about the only good thing I could find. But now, when I look back at that day, I do still remember the big crisis that happened, but I also remember seeing that piece of art for the first time, and being amazed that this eleven-year-old girl had produced something so wonderful.


  4. whatsheread says:

    First off, I adore that mug. I saw that on the website and figure it is only a matter of time before it makes its way into my hot little hands.

    Second, good for you! I tried the 100 Happy Days project but let work stress really get me down and ended up stopping more than halfway through the event. I agree that it does make for great memories and is a perfect way for us to stop and reflect on what is more important to us. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing your pictures!


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