A Face Like Glass, by Frances Hardinge

The underground city of Caverna is known for two things: first for the magical delicacies they create (wines that erase specific memories, perfume that convinces you to trust the wearer, etc), and second for their doll-like faces. Babies born in Caverna have no facial expressions. They must learn them, and Facesmiths – those who create and teach Faces – are a special kind of elite. But when an overground girl of five turns up unexpectedly in a vat of curds in the cheesemaster’s tunnels, everything changes. Neverfell’s face moves on its own, and so she must be kept hidden from the rest of Caverna or else risk being used as a pawn in deadly court scheming. Only no one can tell this growing child why she’s hidden away, lest the knowledge appear in her open, guileless expressions.

Let me start by saying that this is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. Because of the stressful situation my family is currently in, it took nearly a month to get time to read the entire book. However, the slow read was perfect for me right now. Hardinge puts together an amazingly well-developed world. Though the narrative shifts between characters, it stays primarily with Neverfell, aged twelve for most of the book. Because of Neverfell’s ignorant viewpoint, the reader gets to experience the world firsthand, and in a way, come of age with her. We are never quite so naive and trusting as she is to those around her – her maturity is stunted due to her limited knowledge and interactions with others – but we get to experience her disillusionment and growth alongside her.

This book is marked as YA at my library but I’d venture to say that it could be read YA or adult. Many of the characters are very complex, especially those who would count as the more positive characters. Everyone has been touched by Caverna’s politics and machinations. There were many thematic elements in common with classic-style dystopia (think 1984 rather than Divergent) focusing on stratification of the poor and the rich (a timely subject in today’s world, I think). The book also focused on growing up vs growing wiser, on the manipulation of emotion through masks, on the bonds of family both natural and acquired, on the way missing/manipulated memories affect behavior, and on the effects of living so long that life becomes virtually meaningless. Two of the hallmarks I often see in YA were absent: There was no romance whatsoever, and while the magic was an integral part of this society, the book was not about the magic.

A Face Like Glass is a standalone novel with an ending both hopeful and sad. Actually, I can say “hopeful and sad” sum up much of the book, and perfectly described one of my favorite exchanges of dialogue. Because this is a minor spoiler, I’ll white it out, but the spoiler is a very tiny one, so feel free to highlight to read:

“We are used to danger,” the faceless voice assured her. “It comes with our job. … We look out for our own because nobody else will. Do you know how many courtiers have been willing to risk their lives for one of us?”

“No. How many?”

“One,” came the answer. “Precisely one in five hundred years.”

The sedan door opened. Pulling off her goggles, Neverfell…turned toward the man who had been speaking with her…and found herself looking into the face of the manservant she had saved at her first banquet.

End spoiler.

I can’t recommend this book enough. It’s beautiful.

About Amanda

Agender empty-nester filling my time with cats, books, fitness, and photography. She/they.
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8 Responses to A Face Like Glass, by Frances Hardinge

  1. Pingback: Sunday Coffee – Turning Point | The Zen Leaf

  2. Pingback: The Lie Tree, by Frances Hardinge (audio) | The Zen Leaf

  3. This book was so original. I wish I could give it to myself at twelve or so. I loved the Kleptomancer, and the twists at the end. This book pulled me into its world, I am still mulling the story over in the back of my mind. Thank you so much for reccomending it! It was full of exotic tastes and sights and vivid emotions. The heroine was flawed and brave. I really enjoyed it.


    • Amanda says:

      There are so many books that I’ve discovered in adulthood that I would have loved to have when I was a teenager. Definitely this one, though I think I would have experienced it differently as a child. It would have been one of those books you could grow and learn with as you got older, you know? I’ve read one other book by Hardinge now, and while it was good, it wasn’t this level of brilliance. She has like half a dozen of them, and I’d never even heard of her before finding this book! I’ve got a bunch on my investigate list. Each one seems unique in style, story, and setting. I have a feeling she’ll become one of my favorite authors over time. I’m so glad that you read this! Everyone else seems to look at it and say, nope, that’s too weird for me…

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’ll have a hard time finding a book too weird for me! As a kid, I was always dissapointed when authors didn’t let their imaginations truly run wild. I used to wonder if they realized that anything can happen in a story. Now, I understand that some people don’t like things that are too far outside their usual way of thinking. I appreciate an author who can push me out of my comfort zone with skill and imagination! (Instead of mere shock value)


      • Amanda says:

        I highly recommend Firstborn by Laurie Ann Grover. 😀


  4. Pingback: Best New-to-Me Authors in 2017 | The Zen Leaf

  5. Pingback: Cuckoo Song, by Frances Hardinge | The Zen Leaf

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