Ten Facts About Me

Today’s prompt is a fun one! Fun facts about yourself, bookish or otherwise. So here goes – some fun things about Amanda:

synesthesia1. I have synesthesia, a cross-sensory neurological condition. I see letters and numbers in color, and occasionally music or people as well. I often picture characters from books based on their names. If their name is yellow, they have blond hair no matter what the description of them is. Emma will always be blond, for instance, whereas Nina will always have bright red hair, and Chloe will always have black hair. My color-associations are always the same, and have existed my entire life. Two of my siblings also have the same kind of syn, and we used to argue about which was the “right” color for each letter/number. I also once tried to teach a guy I was dating how to see people in color, because I just thought everyone saw numbers/letters that way. Ha!

2. I also have a super-taster gene, meaning that my sense of taste is overly developed. I can, for example, taste if my food has ever even touched lettuce, and I can tell how many days before milk will expire, and if a food is too strong, I go into sensory overload and cannot taste it at all. Once, my grandmother found pickles that she’d accidentally left pickling for 15 years. She called them “He-Man pickles” and gave them to me and my cousins. All my cousins exclaimed about how sour they were, wincing the whole time. Mine tasted like I was eating water. I couldn’t taste a thing.

coffee3. I only started drinking coffee three years ago, because before then, it was too strong for me to taste, like the pickles. Imagine trying to drink hot water. That’s what drinking coffee was like. If I added cream and sugar, it tasted like I was drinking watered down cream and sugar. Bleagh. My super-tastebuds must be growing dimmer over time, though, because I can eat things now that I didn’t used to be able to, like coffee, and whole milk (which used to be impossible because the milk-fat is always slightly rancid, long before expiration, and that taste drowned everything else out).

4. I didn’t read for pleasure in my teen years. I’d outgrown children’s books, and no one was able to point me to decent teen/adult books. Genre books (Sweet Valley High, Babysitter’s Club, anything by Stephen King) grew tiresome very fast. I wanted non-genre books and couldn’t find any. Only after I started reading classics for pleasure after Morrigan was born did I return to my childhood bookworm state.

5. I’ve been passionate about writing since I was old enough to learn the alphabet. I wrote my first story at age five (yes, it was terrible), my first novel at age twelve (even worse), and tons of poetry in my teen years (egads that was the worst!). What I’d really love is to be a published author one day, but honestly I’m not real good with the submissions part of the deal…

Whitey me Mauser6. As a junior in high school, I decided to learn everything I could about modern music. This was back in the “alternative” era of the 90s, and it didn’t take long to memorize every band, song, and album, then dive into more underground stuff. Ironically, as an adult, I very rarely listen to music, and what I do listen to is extremely eclectic (everything from classical to Arabic pop). In that time of music-obsession, though, I discovered my favorite band (Stiffs Inc). Though they broke up in the late 90s, I’ve been able to talk with band members off and on all my adult life, and I got to meet many of them in 2007.

7. My family has a certain psychic strain. My grandmother has predicted future events right down to precise details, and she told everyone I was pregnant with Ambrose before I even knew. She hadn’t seen me in a year when she suddenly knew about the pregnancy. When I called to tell people, I got a lot of, “Oh, I know already, Grandma told me.” My cousins and I have all inherited a tiny bit of this “gift,” but mostly in tiny, inconsequential ways. Most people don’t believe us until they experience it themselves.

8. I never finished college. A couple months before I would have graduated, my family was under severe financial strain and I had to drop out to go to work. The drop-out caused problems with my financial aid package, and I spent years arguing with my college that I did NOT owe them anything. In that time, though, I had several more kids and two cross-country moves, so have never been in a position to go back. And honestly, I’m not sure that I want to.

9. I type over 100 wpm. I’m sure this is a result of all my novel-writing and blogging. It also means that I don’t need to see the keyboard as I type. In fact, my keyboard is so worn that most of the letters no longer show. My kids can’t use it, because they don’t know where all the letters are by touch. When I lived in France, the keyboard was arranged differently, and I had to retrain my brain how to type on the new system. The only thing I never figured out was where the comma was. There was a semi-colon where the comma is on an English keyboard, so I just used that instead. Ha! I had to retrain my brain once I returned to the US as well. That probably also helped my proficiency!

01 close10. My family had tons of pets growing up – at one point, in high school, there were thirteen animals in our house – so when I moved out on my own, I refused to have a pet for the longest time. I finally got two cats in November 2009, mostly as a thank you to Jason for all the help he’d given me on a few projects. He’d always wanted a cat, and we ended up with two of them (–>), until the older one died six months later of lymphoma. After that, we just had the one cat, Ash, until a year ago, when Gavroche the street-rat made his appearance into our lives.

Man, I’m longwinded today…


Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

About Amanda

Agender empty-nester filling my time with cats, books, fitness, and photography. She/they.
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13 Responses to Ten Facts About Me

  1. Michelle says:

    The super taste gene could make you big bucks in the flavor industry, especially if you can put into words what you are tasting. I can’t tell you how much of the work we did when I was working at one was nothing but matching flavors of competitors – think trying to make a Coke or Pepsi knock-off and expand that to everything we eat.

    I used to be close to 100 wpm. I’ve gotten slower lately though and don’t know why. It makes me sad. I only wear out certain keys, like C and E. I still haven’t figured out why that is. However, not looking at the keyboard makes it so easy, doesn’t it? My kids all learned how to type, but they were never tested on typing without looking. I think it is a skill that is going by the wayside, which makes no sense given that you would expect the younger generation to be more proficient at typing than we are.


    • Amanda says:

      The problem is that I don’t LIKE to taste things super strong, haha. 😀 The funny thing about my keyboard is that there are little grooves in certain keys from my fingernails. 😀 As for typing, I never technically learned. No classes or anything. I just learned on my own because I got tired of peck-typing!


  2. Wow, you have some fun and interesting facts!!

    I wish I could type 100 wpm!! I am not even fast or accurate when typing.

    Here’s a link to my TTT post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2016/07/top-ten-tuesday-ten-facts-about-me.html


  3. Trish says:

    This is going to sound silly, but does that mean that when you read everything you read is in different colors? Or does it just affect isolated letters and numbers? I learned typing from Mario teaches typing. It was awesome. Plus I had to take a few courses in high school. Seems crazy that it wouldn’t be taught anymore?! I can’t imagine having to look at the keyboard when typing.


    • Amanda says:

      That’s not a silly question at all! When I look at something, my eyes see the color that’s there. So if I’m looking at black print, the words will be black to my eyes. My internal eye processes them all as colored, though. In words, it’s not the individual letters that come through, but whatever the dominant color of a word is. Some letters/colors are more dominant. So if I picture words that I’m reading, they come through as collages of color. It’s so automatic that I don’t even notice it unless I’m concentrating on it. Does that make sense?


  4. Curious Daisy says:

    That’s wonderful that you have so many pets hehe 😀 http://www.curious-daisy.com/top-ten-tuesday/top-ten-facts-about-yours-truly/


  5. Kristen M. says:

    Very interesting facts, especially the synesthesia! I can’t even imagine what that would be like. I knew a girl once who claimed to see aura colors and told me I was a bright green. The weird thing was that, years later, I had my picture taken by an aura photographer at a party and I was indeed grass green around the edges. 🙂


    • Amanda says:

      Ooh how interesting! I had a similar experience once (though nothing to do with syn!). I was taking an unexpected nap in France when my host-mom woke me up because a couple friends of mine came over. I had the feeling that something red was spinning around my waist area, some kind of leftover from my dream. I was talking to my friends, a bit groggy, when one of them (who was very psychic in many ways) suddenly said, “Why do you have something red spinning around your waist?” I was floored.


  6. gricel says:

    I had the same issue with books as a teen. In general, YA was mostly “problem books” and I hated most of the stuff I had to read for school, it was Harry Potter that revived my love of reading and inspired me to read beyond my supposed age group/reading level.


    • Amanda says:

      I wish I’d gotten into read Harry Potter earlier in the series. I didn’t succumb until after Half Blood Prince came out.


      • gricel says:

        I went through a phase in high school when I just wanted to read all the kids fantasy books I’d never read. At the time, GoF was about to be released and I couldn’t help but wonder what it was all about 🙂


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