Sunday Coffee – November Plot-twists

IMG_3309Remember how I said November was going to be a quiet one on the blog? Yeah… Instead, there were three plot twists this past month:

1. I realized I couldn’t keep ignoring my health issues, and had to change priorities mid-month.

2. I read and listened to some really fantastic books, and by mid-November, I was finished with everything I want to read in 2016. For the rest of the year, I’m switching into quiet, relaxing reread mode, as I usually do sometime near December. It just came around a little earlier this year.

3. I discovered, once again, that realistic fiction is not my writing wheelhouse. My NaNoWriMo novel? Nope. I would love to read that book, but there’s no way in hell that I want to write it. I stopped trying early in the month, and decided it would be better worth my time to keep plodding slowly along with the current second-draft-in-progress I’ve had going all year. My total word count (on both manuscripts) only came to about 24,000 words for November, but I still feel like I won, because I stayed true to myself as a writer.

So the month didn’t really go according to plan at all. That’s okay, though. I learned some important things and made some good decisions, and that makes it all worth it. Cheers!

About Amanda

Agender empty-nester filling my time with cats, books, fitness, and photography. She/they.
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6 Responses to Sunday Coffee – November Plot-twists

  1. purplemoonmyst says:

    I am switching into relaxing reading mode also.


  2. Health issues, ugh. I feel your pain, girl. Good for you for being self-aware and knowing what you need to do 😀

    I love the idea of relaxing re-reads, good for you!


  3. Kristen M. says:

    So far, every book idea I’ve had is something that I want to read but not write. I think I’m just not a writer … and I’m okay with that! 🙂


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